Tour English  

Canis Canum - a summary.

  1983 Leopold - we found our first Dane.

1985 A star was borne - the unforgettable and unbelievable charming
Vanessa vom Köpfelgrund - Internatl., DDC-  and VDH -Champion,
 Swiss Ch., Bundessieger J,  25X best female, several BOB.

1988 Vanessas first harlequine daughter Angelina cc  came into the family.
 Several excellent 1 and Championship awards,  national clubshow:
 best female in open class.

1990 Birth of legendary Belzebub cc .
Int. Ch., Lux., Dt. and VDH-Champion, DDC-Club-national winner.
More than 50 wins, 22 best male, sevral BOB.
World winner and BOB at Dortmund.
Hessen winner at CACIB Frankfurt and BIS of all races.

Bootsmann cc, German and VDH-Champion, best male in open class
 at national clubshow.

1991 Cosima cc, Internatl., German and VDH-Champion, Portugal. Ch.,
 European-Winner and natinal club-winner,  best femal at national
 clubshow, several best female and BOB.

Champ cc, several best harl and best in open class, CACIB, Best male
 of LG Baden-W.(Southern Germany)

1992 Derwisch cc, European-Juniorwinner, German and VDH - Champion.

1993 5X best kennel group in show.
Gretchen cc, national club-show junior winner.

1995 Gordon cc, national club show junior winner,
 German and VDH.- Champion, several best male, CACIB and BOB,
 international requested male and allowed for blue colour.

1997 Hera cc placed 2nd at Bundessieger in a fight with 18 black females in junior class.

1998 Iris "Nirppu" cc gave an incredible start in Finland:
Several times best puppy and junior dane with the warmest look of the year.
Finsih Champion only 2 years old! Sevral times CACIB and BOB!

1999  Sandor F. one of Belzebub’s grandsons showed a lot of familiy beauty
 Champion des  Jeunes Luxemburg, Euroregio juniorwinner Aachen,
 At  2 ½  years: Saarlandwinner, winner of Luxemburg national club show.
Several CACIB and best male, BOB and BIS.
Dt., VDH, Swiss and Int. Champion.

2000 Our K-litter grows up very fast.......